March Val and Gary Morris, Understanding the Cultural Needs of the Aboriginal Aged, Regional Conference by Booroongen Djugun Limited, Kempsey, 5 March 1991
March Val, Basic Survival Welfare Service for Rural Aboriginals, Australian Institute of Welfare and Community Workers, National Conference, Greenmount, 23-25 August 1991
The Lamp, Conference about the Aboriginal Aged, Vol 50 No , March 1992
Morris Gary, Where are the Aboriginal Aged, State Conference, convened by Booroongen Djugun Limited, Kempsey, 9-10 March 1992
March Val and Gary Morris, Dreamtime: Booroongen Djugun Aboriginal Corporation, Seventh Annual Nursing Issues Congress, New Dimensions in Aged Care, Sydney, 18-19 May 1995
Morris Gary and Val March, Aged Care: Sleeping on Home Ground, page 15, Hospital and Health Care, Yaffa Publishing Group, August 1995
New South Wales Community Services and Health Industry Training Advisory Body Inc NEWSLETTER, Australian Training Awards: Congratulations Booroongen Djugun!
Finalist, NSW Employer of the Year, page 5, December 1995, Issue 9.
March Val, Booroongen Djugun: Sleeping on Home Ground, an Aboriginal Aged Care Perspective, Who’s Doing What in Aged care: Presentations Focusing on Best Practice in Aged Care, Maroba Lodge, Newcastle, 26 June 1997.
March Val, Booroongen Djugun: Vocational Learning for Young Indigenous People, pages 64-67, Aboriginal Studies Association Journal, October 1999, ISBN 0 9585297 1 X.
March Faith, Education and Training: Community Participation in Quality Health Training, Page 37, Report of the Third National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers’ Conference, Cairns, 18-20 October 1999, Published by the Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, Sydney May 2000.
March Faith, Health Education for Years 10,11, and 12, Partnerships ’99 Conference, University of New England, Armidale.
March Val, Booroongen Djugun College: College Elders Program, SRP News, page 5, Department of Employment Education Training and Youth Affairs, October 1999, Number 4.
Mid North Coast Aboriginal Health Plan 2000-2005, Booroongen Djugun Limited: Other Key Aboriginal Health Service Providers, page 8, Biripi Aboriginal Corporation Medical Service, Durri Aboriginal Corporation Medical Service, and Mid North Coast Area Health Service, 1 December 1999, ISBN 0734730659, SHP MNCAHS 990103.
Morris Gary and Val March, How to Achieve Best Practice Service Provision in Health, Education, Training and Employment, Conference: Generating Service Delivery Opportunities and Outcomes for Aboriginal Communities, Alice Springs, 12 April 2000.
Department of Employment Education and Youth Affairs, Booroongen Djugun College: College Elders program, What Works? Explorations in Improving Outcomes for Indigenous Students, Commonwealth Government, 2000
Focus on Registered Training Organisations Associated with the Hunter Valley Training Company: Booroongen Djugun Limited, On the Grapevine, The Official Newsletter of the Hunter Valley Training Company, August 2000, Issue 9.
March Faith, Booroongen Djugun College: Teaming Young and Old Brings a Surprising Result, The Official Newsletter of the Australian Student Traineeship Foundation, November 2000, Issue 16, ISSN 1324-4310.
March Faith, IESIP National Conference, Workshop titled Booroongen Djugun College: VET in Schools: At Risk Students in Schools/Health, 15-16 November 2000.
Schwab R G (Jerry), VET-in School for Indigenous Students: Success Through ‘Cultural Fit’, Commonwealth Department of Employment Education Training and Youth Affairs, and Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research The Australian National University, 2000 www.detya.gov.au/iae/fellowship/docs/Jerry Schwab.doc/Jerry Schwab.doc (features Booroongen Djugun College).
Community Services and Health Training Australia Ltd (CSHTA), 2001 Showcasing Nationally Recognised Training, Community Services and Health Training Australia, 2001. (Booroongen Djugun College featured on pp 16-17).
Schwab R G (Jerry), “If You Have a Dream, You Make It Happen”: Approaches to Maximising Educational Engagement among Young Indigenous Students, Research and Evaluation Branch, International Analysis and Evaluation Division, Department of Education Science and Training, December 2001. (Booroongen Djugun College featured on pp31-49).
Department of Employment Education and Youth Affairs, Booroongen Djugun College: What Works. The Work Program, Improving outcomes for Indigenous students, Commonwealth Government, 2002
March Val, Aged Care / Nursing Seminar and Workshop: VET-in-Schools Programs / Certificate III in Aged Care Work, Department of Education Science and Training, highlighting ‘best practice’ case studies in Vocational Education and Training in Schools, 14 November 2003.
Community Services and Health Industry Skills Council Healthy Stories DVD series featuring Booroongen Djugun Aboriginal Corporation. The series, which will be delivered to Indigenous communities via radio, TV and DVD resource materials, aims to increase the uptake of apprenticeships and Certificate III qualifications and above in the Community Services and Health sector by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people through raising awareness about the qualifications and potential career paths. July 2010
Australian Council for Private Education and Training (ACPET). Social Inclusion “Blended Classes delivery / assessment methods to meet diversity)”.. What are the benefits?
Val March, Wendy Yarnold -ACPET Conference Brisbane 24 – 26 August 2011
Aboriginal Economic Development Symposium. Warra-Li Resource Unit Inc; NSW Aboriginal Land Council; Regional Development Australia. Introduction to key opportunities and case studies (Business lessons learnt).
Val March, OAM, Faith March, Northern Region Forum, Armidale 29 July 2014
Aboriginal Home Care Staff Managers Workshop Presentation on Booroongen Djugun Limited and Differences between NGSs and Government Agencies, Val March, OAM, Coffs Harbour, 2 June 2015.
Australian Unity, Changes to Australian Unity through Delivery of Aboriginal Community Services, Val March OAM, 22 September 2015.
Australasian Native Orchid Society Inc. 8th Native Orchid Conference and Show. Presentation by Amie McElroy re Phaius australis. Kempsey 3 September 2016.
Kylie O’Bryan, Facilitator and Presenter for ‘Get Your Mob Ready’ Road shows (transition to NDIS), 10 x Presentations delivered, Funding by FACs ( Mid North Coast and Far North Coast) 2017 – 2018.
Kylie O’Bryan, Presentation of BDL Community Care Services transition to NDIS AHMRC (Aboriginal Health Medical Research Council) Newcastle, 2018.
Kylie O’Bryan, Presentation to Minister of Disabilities Mr. Gareth Ward (Sydney) Cultural and Regional needs of people with disabilities and their families, 2019
Kylie O’Bryan, Presentation at NATSIC (National Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Corporation) WA. Transition Our Way, 2019.
Gary Morris OAM, Presentation to the National Aged Care Advisory Committee with Minister Ken Wyatt, 2019.
Kylie O’Bryan, Consultation for Royal Commission of Aged Care YPIRAC (Young People in Residential Aged Care) receiving NDIS support. Consultation to be presented in their annual Royal Commission Report 2020.​
Val March OAM and Rhonda Smith. Consultation, NAGATSIAC, Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (VACCHO), February 2021.